
  俄罗斯银行正式被踢出SWIFT,SWIFT基本上是全球银行业的“电话系统”。In an announcement late Saturday afternoon, the White House said, in concert with of the European Commission, France, Germany, Italy, the United Kingdom and Canada, the US is backing the expulsion of certain Russian banks from SWIFT, the high-security network that connects thousands of financial institutions around the world, and pledged efforts to “collectively ensure that this war is a strategic failure for Putin.” ZCT鹰网事原创频道!
切断俄罗斯银行的SWIFT准入将进一步使俄罗斯经济与全球金融界隔绝,并给克里姆林宫带来更多经济压力。1977 年以来,银行用 SWIFT 来确认订单、付款和交易等。欧洲国家用SWIFT来支付俄罗斯公司的石油和天然气。普通人也熟悉这个系统,用它来进行跨国转账——比如支付账单或汇款。ZCT鹰网事原创频道!

  美国外交政策研究所认为,国会和媒体痴迷于 SWIFT 的原因,在于很多制裁专家并不完全理解。相反,重点应该放在银行制裁的严格程度上。将俄罗斯排除在 SWIFT 之外只会将其推向其它替代系统。ZCT鹰网事原创频道!

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